
A debt jubilee to tackle the Covid-19 health and economic crisis

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La déclaration est disponible ici en français
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A declaração está disponível aqui em português

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Endorsed by: (108 networks and organisations in total)

International organisations and regional networks

  1. African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (Afrodad)
  2. Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
  3. Latin American Network on Debt, Development and Rights (Latindadd)
  4. European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)
  5. Oxfam
  6. ActionAid International
  7. CCFD-Terre Solidaire
  8. Christian Aid
  9. The ONE Campaign
  10. Save the Children
  11. Fundación Educación y Cooperación – EDUCO
  12. Society for International Development
  13. 350.org
  14. Medical Mission Sisters
  15. Africa Development Interchange Network
  16. Global Policy Forum
  17. Debt Relief International
  18. Youth for Tax Justice Network (YTJN)
  19. Fair Finance International
  20. Oil Change International
  21. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
  22. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership
  23. Federación Internacional Fe y Alegría
  24. Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAAF)
  25. International Budget Partnership

National organisations

  1. Jubilee Australia
  2. 11.11.11, Belgium
  3. CNCD-11.11.11, Belgium
  4. Entraide et fraternité, Belgium
  5. Federação Nacional do Fisco Estadual e Distrital (FENAFISCO), Brazil
  6. FOAESP – Fórum das Ong Aids do estado de São Paulo
  7. Gestos (HIV and AIDS, communication, gender), Brazil
  8. Grupo de Resistência Asa Branca (GRAB), Brazil
  9. Instituto de Justiça Fiscal (IJF), Brazil
  10. Outras Palavras Comunicação Compartilhada, Brazil
  11. Plate Forme d’Information et d’Action sur la Dette (PFIAD), Cameroon
  12. Forum des Organsations Nationales Humanitaires et de Développement en RD Congo
  13. PC2D (RD.Congo) et Caritas Congo ASBL
  14. Commission Justice et Paix de Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo
  15. Convention de la Societe Civile Ivoirienne (CSCI)
  16. Plate forme d’autonomisation des organisations de jeunesse de Côté d’Ivoire(PAOJCI)
  17. Ecumenical Academy, Czech Republic
  18. ActionAid Denmark
  19. Jubileo 2000 Red Ecuador
  20. Finn Church Aid, Finland
  21. Action contre la Faim, France
  22. Amis de la Terre France
  23. Attac France
  24. Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Développement (CRID), France
  25. Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), France
  26. Coordination SUD, France
  27. Global Health Advocates France
  28. Plateforme Française Dette & Développement (PFDD), France
  29. Réseau Foi & Justice Afrique Europe antennne France
  30. Solidaires Finances Publiques, France
  31. Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
  32. Erlassjahr.de – Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung (Jubilee Germany)
  33. Transform! Europe, EU
  34. Debtfree, Greece
  35. Plateforme d’Information et d’Action sur la Dette et le Développement- Guinée (PIADD)
  36. Plateforme nationale des Citoyens Unis pour le Développement (PCUD)
  37. Fe Y Alegria Honduras
  38. Friends of the Earth Hungary
  39. Financial Justice Ireland
  40. Institute of Public Finance Kenya
  41. Sustainable Development Institute, Liberia
  42. Centre for Social Concern, Malawi
  43. Centre for Social Accountability & Transparency, Malawi
  44. Integrity Platform, Malawi
  45. Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, Mexico
  46. Mozambique Budget Monitoring Forum
  47. Mozambican Debt Group
  48. Both ENDS, Netherlands
  49. BudgIT Foundation, Nigeria
  50. Debt Justice Norway
  51. Freedom from Debt Campaign of Pakistan
  52. Oikos – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
  53. Budget Advocacy Network, Sierra Leone
  54. Enabanda, Slovenia
  55. Alianza por la Solidaridad-Action Aid España
  56. Amycos.org, Spain
  57. Fundación Entreculturas, Spain
  58. Ingeniería sin Fronteras, Spain
  59. Lafede.cat – Organitzacions per a la Justícia Global – Catalunya
  60. Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización, Spain
  61. Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL)-Paz con Dignidad, Spain
  62. Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda, Spain
  63. Act Church of Sweden
  64. Diakonia, Sweden
  65. Alliance Sud, Switzerland
  66. Action for Argentina, UK
  67. Action for Southern Africa, UK
  68. Bretton Woods Project, UK
  69. Cafod (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), UK
  70. Gender and Development Network, UK
  71. Global Justice Now, UK
  72. Jubilee Debt Campaign, UK
  73. Jubilee Scotland
  74. Stamp Out Poverty, UK
  75. Tearfund, UK
  76. The Equality Trust, UK
  77. Jubilee USA
  78. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, US
  79. Sisters of Charity Federation, US/Canada
  80. ActionAid Zambia
  81. Campaign for Active Voter Engagement in Zambia
  82. CUTS International, Zambia
  83. Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development
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