
Contact us

Please contact us by email if at all possible. If you have an urgent media inquiry please call the number below.

Email: For general enquiries and material requests: info@debtjustice.org.uk

Tel: For general supporter enquiries, if you cannot use email, please call +44 (0)7450 875495. This line is only monitored part-time but you will be able to leave an answerphone message if there is no answer.

If you have an urgent media inquiry please call +44 (0)7307 620372.

Postal correspondence can be sent to:

Debt Justice
Oxford House
Derbyshire Street
E2 6HG
United Kingdom

If you would like to raise a formal complaint, please see our complaints policy.

Debt Justice is a company limited by guarantee no. 3201959 and a registered charity no. 1055675. Registered office Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, London E2 6HG.

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