
UK Household Debt

Nobody should fall into debt simply to put food on the table or heat their home.

UK Household Debt

The cost-of-living crisis and the pandemic before it have been the biggest shocks of our generation. The past few years have been stressful for all of us.  

For millions, bills and other expenses have shot up and for many the pressure is now unbearable.  

We are in a personal debt crisis. Nearly ten million people are heavily in debt in the UK, rent debt, credit cards, and utility bills have all piled up 2.4 billion owed in energy debt alone.

This is a crisis created in Westminster, but it is our communities that are paying the price.

Already, the system wasn’t fair. Bad jobs, low wages, and the government’s lack of a proper safety net pushed many people in to debt, and the cost of living crisis has turbocharged it.

Millions are being forced to borrow, delay and juggle payments to make ends meet and once people are pushed into debt it can be difficult to get out.

We have the solutions to the crisis, but we will only win if we can come together to change the rigged system that benefits lenders, collectors, and bailiffs at our expense. 


Over the past year thousands of people, who know what it’s like to experience the stress of being in debt, have come together to build a manifesto for what they want to see changed. Our ‘Together Against Debt People’s Manifesto’ has three key demands:  

  • Fair debt solutions so everyone can have a fresh start. 
  • An end to people being pushed into debt just to pay for the food, energy and housing they need.  
  • To be treated with dignity, and protected from exploitation and harassment by creditors, debt collectors and bailiffs.   

Together, we are speaking out and standing up for our family, friends and neighbours who have been saddled with unpayable debts, in a crisis that nobody could plan for.   

What you can do right now: 

Debt advice:

Debt Justice is focused on campaigning and advocacy on debt issues. We cannot provide advice on personal debt problems so if you are facing personal debt issues, we recommend getting in touch with one of these free services, who will be able to help.

Campaign Resources

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Take Action
Get debt advice
Briefing - End Energy Debt, April 2023
Together Against Debt - Community Organising in the UK
Briefing - The UK's Household Debt Crisis
Briefing - A Fresh Start After Covid‑19 – An outline strategy to tackle Britain’s household debt crisis
Open letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (April 2020)
Briefing - Case for a cap on credit card costs (July 2019)
Public letter to the Economic Secretary (July 2019)
Household debt: the poverty trap (Drop It! Magazine, July 2018)
Briefing Summary – End the debt trap (June 2018)
Full Briefing – End the debt trap (June 2018)
Briefing - The case for a household debt jubilee (March 2018)
Ten key facts about UK's debt