
Put human life before unjust debt. Not just today, but for tomorrow

Leave a gift in your will to Debt Justice.

Together, we’ve achieved so much to end unjust debt and its root causes. But there’s more to do.

  • Unjust debt is rising again and more than 50 nations are in a debt crisis.
  • Deep-rooted systems of injustice always need to be challenged.
  • We can’t stop fighting until there’s a fair economy for all.

When you remember Debt Justice in your will, you keep fighting this cause for generations to come. Your values of justice, fairness, solidarity and compassion live on to shape the future.

Why a gift in your will is so important

Debt Justice is a small campaigning charity so every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.

Your support can have a significant impact to:

  • Ensure the work to write off unsustainable debt continues.
  • Challenge the systems that allow debt crises to keep happening.
  • Shine a light on the injustice which keeps people in poverty.

Join with others who share your values

Compassionate people, driven by justice and equality, are remembering Debt Justice in their wills.

“Debt Justice has been one of the most effective movements for the relief of poverty and oppression … It’s been one of the greatest privileges of our lives to support it.

Our decision to leave a legacy reflects our conviction that this is a cause which must be pursued long-term. Our greatest challenges and, we hope and believe, our greatest triumphs lie ahead. We hope to see these in our lifetime, but if not, our support will live on in the form of this legacy.”

David and Veronica Golding, Tyneside

How to leave a gift in your will

Your family and friends come first, of course, but as you make or update your will, please consider a gift to Debt Justice.

There are two main ways to leave a gift in your will:
– A share of your estate
– A cash gift

It is very simple to add Debt Justice as a beneficiary. You will need to provide this information to your solicitor:

Debt Justice
Oxford House
Derbyshire Street
E2 6HG
United Kingdom

Registered charity number: 1055675

If you don’t yet have a will, please use a solicitor to draw one up. Any solicitor local to you should be able to provide help or advice. Most charitable gifts in wills are also tax free.

Please tell us your intentions

We would like to thank you and ensure you have the information you need.
We can also answer any questions. Please call 07450 875495 or
Email info@debtjustice.org.uk

Get your free will guide

Are you thinking about leaving a gift in your will to Debt Justice but still want to know more? Then order your free will guide today.

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