
Our affiliates

The Debt Justice’s work, formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign, is supported by a network of affiliated local and regional groups and national organisations.

Local groups

ACTSA (Richmond)
All Saints Social Justice Action Group
Christ Church with St Philip, Worcester Park
Churches Together around Hampton
Churches Together in Mold District
Cotham Parish Church
CWU – London Region
Dinas Powys council of Churches
Global Justice Sheffield
Greater Manchester JDC
Hartlepool for Global Peace and Justice
Hexham St Mary’s Justice & Peace
JDC at Newcastle University
Jubilee Debt Campaign Birmingham
Just Action Vineyard Church St Albans
Kent Diocesan Area Justice and Peace
Lancaster Diocese Faith and Justice Commission
North East Call to Action
Ombersley Road Methodist Church
Sherwood for Global Justice and Peace
Somerset Regional Group
Southwell Churches Together
Spelthorne Area JDC
St Dominic’s Overseas Aid Group
St Philip’s Church & St James’s Church, Dorridge
Thornbury and District Make Poverty History Group
Transition Northwich
Unison West Midlands
Unison Wolverhampton
Unite Clerkenwell
UNITE – Oxford General & Publishing Branch

National organisations

All We Can
Christian Aid
Global Justice Now
Jubilee Scotland
National Justice and Peace Network
Transport Salaried Staff’s Association
War on Want

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