One of Ghana’s biggest lenders, BlackRock, is refusing to play ball in debt negotiations. Instead of agreeing to cancel Ghana’s debt – a country which is facing the ‘worst economic crisis in a generation’ – they’re holding out for more profit.
That’s why today, alongside CAFOD, we turned up outside BlackRock’s London office with wheelbarrows full of fake cash to demand that their boss, Larry Fink, cancels the debt.
Millions of people in countries like Ghana are being denied justice because greedy private lenders like BlackRock are trapping their countries in debt. We’re facing the worst debt crisis in 30 years, with 54 countries currently in crisis.
These financial giants are acting like cowboys, holding countries like Ghana to ransom just so they can line their own pockets. So today, in solidarity with Ghanaian campaigners, we took the message right to their doorstep that we’re watching – and we won’t stop until we win justice.
A new debt justice law could force these greedy lenders to cancel debt for countries in crisis. As we head towards a general election in four weeks, we’ve got a big opportunity to push party leaders to commit to action.