Tuesday 10 November 2015
Outside Radisson Blu Portman Hotel, 22 Portman Square, London W1H 7BG
In the UK the Private Finance Initiative is crippling public services. Hospitals and schools built through PFI cost more than double than if the government had built them directly. Now the UK and the City of London are exporting this debt iceberg around the world.
Join us on 10 November to protest outside the Africa Public-Private Partnerships conference, being held in a hotel in central London, where financiers will be selling their wares to African governments.
In Lesotho, one of the first PFI hospitals in Africa is already costing three times more than the old public hospital, whilst the private company involved is making a 25% return every year.
Join representatives of African civil society and diaspora to say no to debt crisis through private finance, and yes to high-quality, affordable public services.
Organised by Jubilee Debt Campaign and supported by the All-Afrikan Networking Community Link for International Development, Global Justice Now and People vs PFI.
Join and share the Facebook event >>
For more about the Africa PPPs conference see: http://www.africappp.com/