Jubilee Debt Campaign is joining the ‘United for Education: No fees, no cuts, no debt’ demonstration on Saturday 19 November in London.

Do you know that students at English universities now graduate with the highest debt of anywhere in the English-speaking world?
Students now graduate owing on average more than £40,000 for their education, which is twice the average American graduate’s debt. Plus, our graduates have to pay an interest rate of up to 3% more than inflation, which begins while they are still studying.
The situation is even worse for poorer students as the government has now completely scrapped all grants for students from low-income families. Bursaries for students who have to work thousands of hours during their course – such as nurses – have also been cut and replaced with further loans.
Jubilee Debt Campaign believes that this situation is unjust and unsustainable. We don’t yet know the full impact this enormous debt burden will have on British graduates in the coming years, but we know it will increase inequality and poverty, with low and middle income earners left paying off debt well into their forties and fifties. Student debt is now truly an intergenerational issue.
That’s why, on Saturday 19 November 2016, we’ll be joining students, parents and lecturers from around the country marching together on the streets of London under the banner ‘United for Education: No to fees, cuts and debt.’
Join us
If, like us, you think education is a public good like healthcare that we all have a right to; that people who study to do vital jobs for society like teaching and nursing shouldn’t be burdened with debt for their whole lives; and that above-inflation interest rates for education are unacceptable, then join us on Saturday 19 November from midday at ‘United for Education’.
The protest will be departing from close to Marble Arch at 1pm and will head towards Westminster. We’ll be meeting from midday (12pm) by the ‘Still Water’ sculpture, near Marble Arch. (It’s a bronze horse head sculpture close to Marble Arch, opposite the Odeon cinema – click here for a map). This is about a 2-5 minute walk from Marble Arch tube station.
Find us by the ‘Break the chains of student debt’ banner from midday (12pm), next to ‘Still Water’ on Saturday 19th November.