
Forced installation of prepayment meters suspended

Responding to today’s announcement that Ofgem has told suppliers to suspend forced installation of prepayment meters, Joe Cox, Senior Researcher on Household Debt said:  

This is a significant step towards fixing our broken energy system where households pushed into energy debt are at risk from traumatic bailiff action and disconnection.

Now we need those energy companies that have profited from record prices to be properly taxed to pay off this debt mountain. 

Joe Cox, Debt Justice

For more information contact Joe Cox on 07796884487 


‘Ofgem tells suppliers to suspend forced installation of prepayment meters, Sky News understands’, Sky News, https://news.sky.com/story/ofgem-tells-suppliers-to-suspend-the-forced-installation-of-prepayment-metres-sky-news-understands-12801726

Debt Justice (formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign) is a campaigning organisation working to end unjust debt and the poverty and inequality it perpetuates, in the UK and across the world https://debtjustice.org.uk/  

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