
Parliament to discuss household debt

On Thursday 8th July MPs are meeting to discuss the state of the household debt crisis across the country. 

We want to make sure as many MPs as possible join this debate and hear about why it’s so important that there’s more support for people in debt

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The current system for supporting people to get out of debt is not fit for purpose, and its inadequacy has been exposed further during the crisis.

The rise in debt levels during the pandemic

  • Over 19 million adults experienced a loss in income during the pandemic (Stepchange, March 2021)
  • 11 million people have built up £25 billion of arrears and debt to pay for essentials (Stepchange, March 2021)
  • By November 2020, 2.87 million people were at risk of long-term debt problems because of the pandemic. (Stepchange, November 2020)

Both the number of people forced to borrow and the average debt per person has steadily increased throughout the pandemic, with average debt rising from £1,200 in May 2020 to £2,300 by January 2021 (Stepchange, March 2021).

Many more people are having debt problems because of the pandemic, and right now the government simply isn’t doing enough.

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