
Food, Debt and Power

There is easily enough food in the world to feed everyone. So why are 870 million people chronically hungry? Jubilee Debt Campaign’s new briefing looks at the root causes of hunger.

Summary of key points

  • Hunger is caused by people not having the power and income to get the food which is produced. It is not caused by a lack of food.
  • Debt has been used by the powerful to force through economic policies which have further removed people’s control over food.
  • Debt cancellation for some countries has only had a limited impact on rates of malnourishment because the provision of food has been increasingly pushed onto the free market, and the power of international institutions over food policies has continued.
  • However, countries which have high debts and have not qualified for debt cancellation have made even less progress in tackling hunger.
  • The growing food sovereignty movement across the world is bringing hope by challenging the corporate capture of food, and pushing for people to be able to control the food they produce, distribute and consume.
  • The root to tackling hunger is about power: giving the marginalised more of it, and the rich less of it. Changing the economic structures which govern our world is part of what can be done to support those already working and pushing across the world for food sovereignty and greater equality.


Funding food giants won’t solve global hunger

The G8’S New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition is using public money to help multinational food companies gain greater control over African agriculture. The UK has pledged £395 million of aid money to the Alliance.

We are supporting African civil society groups who have called for alternative ways of fighting hunger which promote food ‘sovereignty’ – the right to have not just access to food, but control of the food system.

TAKE ACTION: Sign the statement to stop the UK aid giveaway to multinationals >>

COMMENT: Nick Dearden: G8 needs reminding the market doesn’t know best when it comes to hunger, 10 June 2013

LETTER: Back African smallholders, not agribusiness, 7 June 2013 >>

eu-flag-smallThis briefing has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. It is the sole responsibility of Jubilee Debt Campaign and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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