Don’t owe, won’t pay: YES to life! NO more vultures!
This past June 16th, the Supreme Court of the U.S. announced two highly pernicious decisions not only for Argentina and its people, but for all those who defend sovereignty and…

This past June 16th, the Supreme Court of the U.S. announced two highly pernicious decisions not only for Argentina and its people, but for all those who defend sovereignty and…
In September 2013, we handed in a petition from over 10,000 people calling for a Jubilee for Justice: – Cancellation of unjust debts – Just and progressive taxation – Controls…
The Scottish government have signalled that they would take action to deal with unjust debts inherited from the UK, if there is a yes vote in 2014’s independence referendum. The…
Two weeks on from Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines, the British public have responded with incredible generosity, donating over £50 million to the Disasters Emergency Committee so far. Yet…
The cost of austerity packages imposed in the name of paying debts in Europe has been high. In Portugal fees for health care have been imposed, costs for utilities have…
Several developing countries, including Jamaica, El Salvador and Pakistan, are failing to meet international development goals after rich countries reneged on a pledge to deal with their debts. Moreover, unjust…
Report investigating the impact of debt and austerity, and campaigns for justice, in Egypt, El Salvador, Greece, Jamaica, Latvia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal and Tunisia. Download Life and debt: Global…
A call to mobilize on October 8 to 15, Global Week of Action Against ILLEGITIMATE DEBT & International Financial Institutions Debt payments, tax avoidance and capital flight are impoverishing people…
Business Minister Vince Cable has refused to respond to concerns raised by the Kenyan Debt Relief Network (KENDREN) about the legitimacy of Kenya’s debt to the UK. Kiama Kaara, Senior…
A UK-wide speaker tour with Abdul Khaliq from CADTM-Pakistan on the impact of sovereign debt on life in Pakistan, and the struggle against it.