Guatemala’s Chixoy dam: where development and terror intersect
A 1982 massacre paved the way for a hydroelectric dam built with development bank funds. What lessons have been learned? Thirty years ago a massacre took place in the Guatemalan…

A 1982 massacre paved the way for a hydroelectric dam built with development bank funds. What lessons have been learned? Thirty years ago a massacre took place in the Guatemalan…
The IMF have reclassified the Laos government as being at moderate rather than high risk of not being able to pay external debts. The change is not due to any…
Sierra Leone’s government external debt payments are increasing. The IMF estimates they will account for between 7 and 9 per cent of government revenue between 2012 and 2017; $30 million…
The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have announced that the West African country of Guinea will get $2.1 billion of debt cancelled. This amounts to around two-thirds of the…
Thirty years from Mexico’s debt default, Greece must break the sadistic debt spiral. As Greece’s leaders pay down the latest multi-billion euro instalment on their debt, they would do well…
UK lends ‘climate loan’ to heavily indebted Jamaica
This paper is short explanation of what a debt audit is, where the idea comes from and how it might work in Egypt. For a full manual describing the process…
How the UK is making developing countries pay twice for climate change In Climate Loan Sharks, Jubilee Debt Campaign and the World Development Movement reveal that the UK is pushing…