
Get materials

Debt Justice, formerly Jubilee Debt Campaign, has a range of printed resources and materials on debt available to order.

You can download materials for free and print them yourself by clicking on the item you want.

How to order materials

There are two ways to order materials:

1. Email us on info@debtjustice.org.uk
Please state the quantity of each material that you would like, the date required by (if any), and provide your name, postal address (including postcode) telephone number and email address.

2. Use our online order form
You’ll find a link to the form here, and also the buttons at the end of the page

All materials are free but donations are appreciated towards the costs of producing them. Below is a list of some of our most up-to-date or relevant resources. If you would like other resources not listed, for example pre-2020 Drop It!, please do get in touch.

Reports and Briefings

A new law for debt justice

Campaign guides and toolkits

Discussion pack to talk about debt and colonialism

Leaflets and action cards

Postcard to Andrew Mitchell: STOP COWBOY LENDERS

Postcard to Larry Fink: CANCEL ZAMBIA’S DEBT

Parliamentary briefings

Drop It! magazine

Summer 2023
Winter 2022
Summer 2022
Winter 2021
Summer 2021
Winter 2020
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